Wednesday, February 17, 2016

U + You

Won't you hurry up
and take the knife
from my offering hand
You want to end the suffering
Surely it wont be that hard
to cut open the vein
in your wrist
because who

Who would be sad after losing you
I'll say in front of the person
that cries over your dead body
the one that thought you were precious
but couldn't show you so

Who would regret their life knowing that
they didn't say the words they were supposed to; to you
I'll say that in front of the people that hang their head
because they ever looked at you so oddly

Who would feel wasted
and devastated
knowing you're no longer there
in your little world; your empty room
beside that crying lady
who just lost her baby?

So come, honey; take the knife
Kill yourself even in your second life
Because who would be sad; right?
Who would care
Although it's always you;
who wont care
If it's not them
The one you love the most
The one that you will never lose
Because never ever their existence
was yours

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