Friday, January 15, 2016


One second you're happy then suddenly life took its turn and then you're either crying or you're dead. One second you hate life so so much that you just want to end it there but suddenly it gave you a light, a sign, that makes you want to go on, makes you want to see more of 'life'. Makes you want to explore more, to get to know it more. When you just get really sick of it, it turned its face inside out, it became beautiful. And when you least expect it, it'll turn again, and swallow you up. But it's a cycle, really. Until you're dead. There's no way of changing life's personality trait other than facing it.
Life is kinda like a best friend. A best friend with personality disorder. A best friend who's always at the edge and could 'snap' at any moment. A best friend that will give you so much happy memories and will give you so much of other stuff so that the memories will remain memories. A best friend that you totally hates but always there by your side and found you in each and every moment of you being fragile that you can't help but grow fond of them. A best friend that is so annoying but you don't have the urge to shake them off of you because without you, they'll be alone. A best friend that greets you like ➡ the pic. A best friend that constantly stabs you in the back, in the front, anywhere, really. As long as they're able to stab you. A best friend that will leave you hanging dry until you get so sick of it, but find yourself begging for more of their love, their attention. A best friend that would not hesitate to hurt you, but wouldn't hesitate to help you, either. But the problem, now, is not only life. But it's you. How do you treat your best friend, even if they're basically trying to kill you, crush you? How do you treat your best friend, that is basically a part of you. Even they're the one who shape you. You OWE them. But can you really forgive the one who crush you down, just for the sake of 'shaping' you up? Will you not have the slightest urge to kill it, to crush it back, to not give a damn about them, and just abandon them, leaving all that behind? Can YOU, really move on, going side by side with the one that hurts you, even when you have done nothing?

Or maybe that's the reason. You've done nothing. You're nothing. 
Ironically, nothing last forever

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