Monday, January 18, 2016

Don't be so fucking dumb

     You. I've known you since way way back then. Before all this shit had to happen and you ruining my relationships with other people. You know that it's useless to blame someone for doing something that they didn't mean to. But you can't help it man, the hatred is there, the irritability is real. It's there. It burns you for what they did. And it became even worse when you see that THEY, not realizing the impact of what they have done to you, dwells in their own sadness, like they have gotten into the shittiest predicament there is in the world. without looking right and left to see all the damage that they have caused to others. I HATE IT. I SWEAR.

     Don't. Just. f u c k i n g  d o n t. Don't fucking act like you're the victim. Like the world is against you. This, is the fruit of what you've been doing to yourself. It has its impact, even to me. And I truly hate you for that. I'm not me. It's never me. You don't miss me. Who is this 'me'? Yep, you d o n t fucking know. We're better off gone. I'll gladly kill myself, just for the sake of not seeing your 'oh i'm so sad' face. I can't tolerate you now, not at all. I see through you. Man, you trusted your lies to the wrong person. I know it all.

     And don't even say that nothing is truly lost forever, because if so, we're the nothing, then. I have no intention on coming back, I've buried it deep. And believe me, not even the slightest bit of 'careness' is there to greet you even if you beg. I still have empathy for you, I pity you every time I see you desperately relating yourself to every miserable thing you see. I pity you. But no, I truly don't care about you. Look, lookie here, look at what you've done! You turned me into a fucking sociopath. But only to you. It's like my amygdala stop functioning every time you're near me. And I have to say, it feels so fucking good to have to see your face and not even in a split second I gave my thought to you. Thanks to you, I have to rebuild all the bridges that was burnt just to keep you save. But I've decided to just let you drown, now, like what you did to me, remember? I have those who truly care about me, who actually know me, who actually want to fight for me. Well, for fuck sake, what have I been doing these past few years?

     I made a mistake twice, but I won't do it thrice. I'm not going to hold on to the likes of you. It's only a selected few, you see, that will be able to see "me". But not you, not anymore.

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