Friday, January 29, 2016


And they asked, if she ever felt guilty for every lies she told, every tears she drink, every blood she used as her writing ink.

No, she responded with a twisted smile, Why should I, after all that they've done ? 

They could not see her, but they could sense it clearly, her glistening eyes; as if hungry for blood - for other people to suffer so severely. They knew that she craved for it, that they too will end up dead if they don't outwit.

She knew about it. About the other she;
she who did not matter,
S knife plunged deep into her heart, but she smiled, as if she was a honoree.

Oops, she giggled, I'm not sorry

I tried; but I am more of a sight to see
Even when I turned thirty 
I want to spare you, honey, but I can't find my empathy
Someone like you, should only be my trainee
I'll unlock you up; later, for charity
But right now, I AM the stronger entity
So just sit tight there, till the end to come. With no identity, so helplessly

She asked to her self, am I guilty?

Maybe I am, Maybe I am not

She said with a twisted smile

If I'm sinful enough, maybe God will turn His head to me;

and in her arm, a twisted body

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