There was a little man in a world which lilies and daises grew covering the ground, a world where cherry blossom swirled along within the wind, and where the sky was as blue as the ocean. The Little Man was all alone in that beautiful - beautiful world. He was fine being all by himself.
There in the world which the fairies danced within the wind, The Little Man was all alone. He spent eons in his life searching for something missing in the world he lived in. Though he walked an endless path, he was stuck in the same place over and over again. He was unsure of where he was and where was he actually headed. All places he has been looked just the same one and another. Still, hethought that he was fine being all by himself.
In the world which lilies and daises grew, The Little Man was all alone. Dragging his feet with no result of searching, he soon knew that he was being deserted all alone in the empty world. He had nothing valuable to be hold on to his dear life. Even so, he never felt lonely; or even sadness. How could oneself knew what sadness is if they never experienced being happy?
In the world where a big, shady tree grew, under there sat alone The Little Man. He didn't have any purpose on living, though he didn't have any purpose on dying. He lived a pointless life. Living a life as empty as his heart, he never knew the melody of a lullaby. Yet he was still trying to be fine all by himself
In a world of dying life, there stood a miserable little man. Still trying to find an end of the empty world he was living, though he knew there was none. The world was circling around him, and it suffocated him badly. Trembling in a mixed emotion that was suppossed to be fear, he stared at his hands. And he thought and though... then he found it... the end of the world. The end of his world. It was always in the palm of his hands to grasp.
Even in such a beautiful world, a tragic story of The Little Man was made. He ended his own world, since he couldn't find peace and happiness. He couldn't have something to fill the gap in his heart. Now we know that he was never fine being all by himself.
"No one will ever be fine being alone;
this is a beautiful world, and you need to see it that way.
If you ever find someone;
alone in the corner of the room,
hiding from the crowd that exist
approach them,
be friend with them
and laugh with them.
Because we all need someone in life
Someone that can understand us
Someone that will always be there for us."
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